Saturday, August 6, 2011

Steps Taken to Control Pollution

Steps taken to control pollution have been on the rise for the past several years, especially in the past year since the pollution standards have went up. One such example is the bill overwhelmingly passed last year by the U.S. Houser of Representatives, recently passed again on June 27, 2008 by the U.S. Senate. This bill will allow the joining of the United States to an international treaty, involving cutting ocean ship pollution called “The Marine Pollution Prevention Act of 2008″ (H.R.802). Many consider this a step forward in helping the U.S. to secure protective international standards for all large ocean going ships. Before it is effective, it will need to be passed by ratifying the MARPOL treaty.
Another major win for global pollution in regard for the steps taken to control pollution is Canada’s new pollution plan called “Turning the Corner Plan” which will be implemented by the year 2010, with plans for its developmental stages occurring as early as January 1, 2009. Considered the toughest pollution regime in the world, this plan involves every aspect of Canada for joint cooperation to achieve this goal of a 20% emission cut within the next year-and-a-half.
Meanwhile, on March, 14, 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued higher standards for the control of smog, an ongoing fight by scientists and environmental groups that have been the wanting higher levels of standards with a serious need for an increase in steps taken to control pollution. After this act by the EPA, thirteen states and New York sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for not raising the ozone pollution standards high enough, accusing the present administration for facilitating pollution with its mild actions.
Another area regarding steps taken to control pollution is the UK, recently surveyed as the sixth largest importer of water in the world with only 38% of their own water usage coming from its own waterways purchasing water instead from areas with stressed water amounts. One such example is the Spanish oranges and grapes growing in a country that had to ship their own drinking water in due to water shortages, with many countries suffering water shortage already suffering from some form of water pollution with one example being China. Yet the UK’s personal water usage is equivalent to about 58 bathtubs fuller of water every day. This study has shown that government and businesses identify certain areas which could suffer water shortages, developing some type of solution so under-developed countries are not exploited. Steps taken to control pollution are on a global rise, but unfortunately not fast enough.

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