Sunday, June 19, 2011

Air Pollution Caused by Industries

Air pollution is defined as the addition of various hazardous chemicals, particulate matter, toxic substances and biological organisms into the Earth's atmosphere. There are various factors causing air pollution, but what comes from industries and factories is often considered a prime factors in air pollution. According to a study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, it has been found that industrial pollution accounts for approximately 50 percent of the pollution in the United States of America. There are numerous serious ecological implications and health risks associated with industrial air pollution. Some of them are discussed at length below.

Global Warming
Global warming is largely considered one of the most hazardous and serious complications associated with air pollution caused by industries and other stationary sources of air pollution. The liberation of certain gases such as methane, or CH4, and carbon dioxide, or CO2, together known as greenhouse gases, is often considered to be prime factors causing global warming. These greenhouse gases often result in an increase in the atmospheric temperature, causing global warming. Global warming has various serious implications both on the ecological balance as well as human health. It often results in the melting of glaciers and snowcapped mountains, resulting in an increase in the water levels of seas and rivers, eventually increasing the risk of floods. Apart from this, global warming also often has numerous serious health risks on humans such as increase in diseases like Lyme, malaria, cholera, dengue and plague, among others.

Acid Rain
Industries often emit large amounts of nitrogen and sulphur gases into the Earth's atmosphere. When these gases react with water vapors in the atmosphere, they often change into more aggressive gases, namely nitric acid and sulphuric acid respectively. The rain containing large amounts of these acids is known as acid rain. Acid rain has various health and natural dangers. It results in the erosion of monuments and buildings, makes the soil acidic in nature, resulting in reduction of plant and animal growth, among other issues. Apart from these, acid rain causes serious health disorders such as cancer, skin disorders and even death.

Respiratory Disorders
The emission of various gases such as carbon monoxide, or CO, often results in various respiratory disorders such as bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, in individuals. CO damages air passages in individuals, leading to respiratory disorders. However, if carbon monoxide is present in increased levels in the atmosphere, it can even cause the death of the person, by inhibiting oxygen intake by combining with hemoglobin.

Ozone Layer Depletion
The ozone layer is a gaseous blanket that helps in supporting and sustaining life on Earth by protecting us from various hazardous radiations such as UV rays. Hence, the addition of some of the above mentioned pollutants often damages the atmosphere, thus causing various health risks in humans such as skin disorders like rashes, irritation and even cancer in severe cases.

Other Effects of Industrial Air Pollution
Other common effects often associated with air pollution caused due to industrial emissions include increasing risk of occupational diseases such as pneumoconiosis and asbestosis.

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